Handle multiple players with different controllers on same client.

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Very simple code without excess options (15 events for server and 11 events for client)
  • Trying to do a couch party game, with up to 3 players. Should be able to use keyboard and gamepads dynamically. I'm looking for a tutorial to do this in a smart and flexible way.

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  • There are several ways to organize this.

    For example, if all players are instances of the same sprite or family, you can store control type in an instance variable. Then, in keyboard/gamepad events pick the player instance:

    Keyboard On Space pressed
    Players controlType="kbd" : Player simulate jump
    Gamepad 0 on A pressed
    Players controlType="gamepad1" : Player simulate jump
    Gamepad 1 on A pressed
    Players compare variable controlType="gamepad2" : Player simulate jump

    To optimize this code you can create functions or custom actions for each movement - PlayerMoveLeft, PlayerMoveRight, PlayerJump etc. Then call these functions/custom_actions from keyboard and controller events:

    Keyboard On Space pressed
    Players controlType="kbd" : Player Jump
    Gamepad 0 on A pressed 
    Players controlType="gamepad1" : Player Jump
    Gamepad 1 on A pressed 
    Players controlType="gamepad1" : Player Jump
    Player Custom Action Jump 
     Player simulate jump
     Player set "jump" animation
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