How do I export my Construct 2 project as an IPA file for sideloading on iOS for free?

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  • Hello!

    I am wondering if I can export my Construct 2 Project as an IPA file for sideloading to iOS with my developer account using the free version of C2. There's nothing else really to mention, that covers it all.

    Thank you!


  • Well Construct 2 is retired and you're posting in the wrong section. As I recall you could export a Cordova build with Construct 2.

  • Thanks for the reply!

    Sorry for the oversight, I didn't realize I posted in the Construct 3 portion of it. Also, is there any way to do it for free?

    I use Construct 2 because it has extra events, and doesn't need to connect to the internet every 7 days for free version accounts. (I mainly use Construct on Weekdays, and usually only on the bus) I also use it because it's the only one with a free MIDI plugin, plus over 50 RexRainbow addons (lol)

    As you notice, I say the word "Free" a lot. This is because I'm a student who uses Construct in my free time, and our school doesn't pay for Construct, let alone probably know of it in case you were wondering.

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  • Moved to Construct 2 forum. As Construct 2 was retired in 2021, it may not be possible to export to iOS any more, as the publishing requirements tend to update every year and only C3 has been updated since then. Further, historically it has not been possible to side-load apps on to iOS devices for free due to Apple's restrictions - you have to have a developer account which costs $99/yr (last I checked anyway). There is a lot of regulatory activity around this at the moment though, so it may be changing, but perhaps only in certain territories like the EU.

  • Thank you for telling me Ashley!

    With the Apple Developer Account thing, a free developer account gets you 3 apps to sideload, which expire every 7 days, (replenishing them, not gone forever) until you use a computer to renew them. With a paid account, you get unlimited sideloads, and they expire after a year.

    I want to sideload to older devices, such as an iPad Air 2 (iPad-5,3) on iPadOS 15.8, or an iPod Touch 5th Generation (iPod-5,9) iOS 9.

    If Construct 2 does not support exporting to iPadOS 15 if it's maybe too new, or if it doesn't support to iOS 9 because it might be too old, I can go through the exported IPA file (if it does export in that structure) and recompile it.

    Again, thanks Ashley!

  • I just bought a mac so I can create some iOS builds on C3, I'll let you know if it's easy and maybe you can think about subscribing for C3.

  • Okay. Thanks for letting me know!

    However, I might just stick to writing it in C2, then go to the C3 version that supports C2 runtime to export in Cordova (if free...) The only thing:

    I've been using Construct 3 for 2 years, (just started C2 this January) and the start page have been the same, but the version that supports C2 runtime has a different start page, so I'm not entirely sure of the age of that build.

    Also note that I don't have access to a Mac... Our school has Windows 11 ThinkPads for everyone, and I've gotten away with installing some things without admin by using a batch file, but can't install some things such as iTunes. I have a 2011 Sony Windows 10 PC that I use for sideloading, but keep it's use to a minimum due to it's slowness and age.

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