problem in the seed planting system

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  • I made a planting system but I don't know how to prevent it from being able to plant more than one seed in the same land

    I don't know how to put it, but it should be something like "if the seed is in the ground, you can't put the seed"


  • You add an instance variable (boolean) to the land and when you create the seed you set the instance variable to true. On the left conditions you add 'variable=false' so you can only plant if it remains false.

  • Thank you so much for replying, I thought no one would answer =(

    I tried to do what you said, but the same thing keeps happening =(

    Yesterday was the first day I started working on construct 2, most of the errors that happened I managed to solve, except this one

  • You add an instance variable (boolean) to the land and when you create the seed you set the instance variable to true. On the left conditions you add 'variable=false' so you can only plant if it remains false.

    I did it this way and I got it now, thank you very much

  • I still have the problem of being able to continue plowing land on land, I'm trying to use the same logic to create a variable to avoid this, but it's not working

    I need to create something like "if the land has already been created, it cannot be created again on another land"

  • Easy just add invert condition of 'mouse is over terra' which executed as mouse isn't over terra.

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  • Easy just add invert condition of 'mouse is over terra' which executed as mouse isn't over terra.

    It worked, thank you very much xD

    I feel stupid now, it was really simple

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    this is how the farm system was =)

    Now I intend to make other mechanics

    Of course, you have to improve a lot the graphics

    1) Day and night system

    2) System "survival" of the protagonist "energy, health, hunger, thirst, etc"

    3) A start menu

    4) A crafting system

    between others

  • Looks nice as early gameplay. Keep going and strong.

  • I just added a system to water the land before sowing the seed..

    Is it possible to create a score like coins, like a gauge based on "if the player plants different seeds instead of just 1 type of seed, his score is higher" ?

  • It just math formula within context. Put something like;

    (Trigger once)

    if seed_A.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var


    if seed_B.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var


    if seed_C.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var

    Score example: (seed_A.Count*50 + seed_B.Count*50 + seed_C.Count*50)*multiplier var

    Something like that depend on your formula.

  • It just math formula within context. Put something like;

    (Trigger once)

    if seed_A.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var


    if seed_B.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var


    if seed_C.pickedCount equal or greater than 1 >> add 1 to multiplier var

    Score example: (seed_A.Count*50 + seed_B.Count*50 + seed_C.Count*50)*multiplier var

    Something like that depend on your formula.

    I am not able to implement this formula.

    I want to score "sustainability" I have 3 types of plants, I want if at the time of harvesting plant A, it is on the side of plant B or C, increase the sustainability score.

  • I managed to do this... but it's not quite what I wanted...

    I wanted them

    3 guys were planted to win this punctuation...

    the way i did..

    If you have 1 type you get 10 every 10s, if you have 3 you get 30 every 10s

  • Now the farm mechanics are all working I think..

    I think I'll migrate to conctruct 3 to be able to export to android. is it the same thing as messing with 2?

    I need to find a graphics pack to buy tbh

  • I need some help, I got stuck here =(

    I want to change the "sustainability" system but I can't make it work the new way

    There are 6 types of plants, seed based animations

    when 1 or 2 of them are executed I want a sad face to appear

    when you have 2 to 3 a normal face

    and when you have 5 to 6 a happy face


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