Content tagged white-screen

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How do I export apk ?
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Any project I try to compile for APK doesn't open on my mobile devices, it gets an eternal white screen. My devices: LG, samsung and motorola. Am I forgetting s...

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Need help with a white screen on Android/iOS exports
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I need your help with a strange behaviour when exporting to Android (signed APK) and iOS (XCode project). When running my game in Construct 3 in Google Chrome,...

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How do I fix white screen error?
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There's a problem with creating Mobile-Apps: On Android (not testet on iOS) you just get a "white screen" when starting any Construct 3 App when you don't have...

posted 5 years ago
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My Construct bug every time I open project, last update Construct did not resolve this problem for me. What's wrong ? It show me white screen and sad face. I tr...

posted 5 years ago