Content tagged tips-and-tricks

Game making tips and tricks! These helpful tips and tricks will help you learn clever ways of making your game better and make your games faster.

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Offscreen Enemy Indicators
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In this tutorial I'll show you how to create offscreen enemy indicators. Click here for a demonstration. We'll modify the Ghost Shooter tutorial example so open...

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XML Parsing
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This is just a very quick tutorial on parsing some XML text. I had to visit all three links referenced from the manual to figure this out, and thought a concret...

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Making character composed of multiple parts
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Here you'll learn the basic of composing character with multiple parts, improving your job and making source files smaller. This smart solution Is'nt new, old g...

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How To Make Cheats Into your game
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I Tried Many Times Until I knew how to make cheats. Its Easy. First make your game normally. After you finish it add a textbox and a text. Name the textbox : (c...

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How to make Talking NPCs!
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Ever wanted to make an RPG, but couldn't make an NPC? Well, This is how I do make my NPCs! First, you need to have made the player, and an HUD layer. Then, put...

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How to Change a Sprites effortlessly
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Have you created a game which has so many layout but need to update your character or sprites? You dont want to waste your time? Try this-. Double click on your...

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Magnet Effect
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This is my first tutorial here, so I apologize if things don't go smoothly. In this tutorial we're gonna learn how to make objects attracted to your mouse point...

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Creating a smooth sliding effect with Lerp
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I recommend to check out the EaseTween behaviour as well. It will save you time, and add awesome effects! Edit(Might also be Buggy sometimes!). Here is a compar...

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Pickup object on key press when next to it
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So like most RPG type games, there are pickups involved. There's a problem involved when there are multiple objects in quite a small space. This can easily be f...

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Randomly spawn object at random or set intervals
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If you're making something like a zombie survival game or just want random objects to spawn, you would find that making objects spawn randomly is a bit of a pic...

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