Content tagged spritefont

Sprite fonts use images to display text. By drawing parts of an image in sequence strings of text can be rendered.

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How do I use different letter sizes with the sprite font?
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I'm new here in the forum, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section. I'm using the sprite font to make dialogues in my game, but there are letters like "M...

posted 5 years ago
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Is Pixel Perfect Font Rendering Possible?
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I'm creating a game which requires clear, pixel perfect font rendering. Spritefont works, but it's terrible when it comes to scaling and the default C2 Text obj...

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I can't see sprite font after adding it?
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I want to add sprite font because I need it to show the amount of characters lives. But I can't see it after adding. Even the standard one. Only empty field. Wh...

posted 4 years ago
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Help! How do I fix my spritefont spacing? (Construct 3)
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I am trying to use the spritefont spacing in Construct 3, and I am not sure what's wrong with my spacing. Please help! , "], , , , , , , , ].

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How do I make a text input with spritefont ?
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In a certain part of the game, user has to enter a text that will then remain on screen. I need to make a input text method so that the user sees what he enters...

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Sprite Font vs Text
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What would be the difference in using Sprite Font vs Text? I can't see to grasp the advantage of one over the other. Thanks.

posted 4 years ago
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Sprite Fonts: How do I properly work with Spacing Data?
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I need some help understanding what I'm missing while configuring the character spacing for sprite fonts. - This is the array I configured for Spacing Data: , ,...

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How do I add outline to sprite font?
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Hi. Is there a way to add an outline to an sprite font? Thanks.

posted 4 years ago
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How do I use BBcode within the Set Text action?
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When I have text or a Sprite Font object, I can easily use bbcode when I adapt the text in the properties bar. However, when setting text to something new or gl...

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How do I ignore the Sprite font color?
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I realized that the Sprite Font color is automatic when you load it to the game. I have a customized Sprite Font but it gets messed up because C3 always change...

posted 4 years ago