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Random Enemy/Item Spawn
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So in this tutorial I will show you one way you can spawn random enemies or even items in a platformer game. Check out the video and hopefully you can learn a f...

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How do I stop this happening?
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I am learning (or attempting to learn Construct, I'm doing alright. What I'm not doing is knowing why after game start, the "food" just 'spawns' the disappears....

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How do I use an array to spawn specific objects
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I am having a slight issue(duh). Sooooooo in a game I'm making I'm using an array to spawn objects at certain times. It has 2 columns. The first specifies what...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I spawn multiple enemy A.I?
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I made basic enemy A.I that move towards the player and stops when it reaches the player. I made a spawner that spawns a new one every three seconds, but the is...

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How to set random frame on spawn?
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I'm using a function to spawn objects. When I use set opacity after spawning it works, but when I use set fram to a random number its not working and just showi...

posted 5 years ago
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[SOLVED] How do I spawn AI objects in a solid?
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I use the Tile Movement Behaviour for characters to move along this grid. And enemy spawning points with a size of 32x32 and have the solid behaviour. What I'm...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I use recently spawned objects?
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I would like to create and position a few objects. Here is my event sheet: The story starts with the button. When clicked it logs the number of Pawns. At first,...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I spawn enemies made of blocks?
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I have Made a blocky space game. Now I need enemies. How do I spawn enemies which I made of blocks/instances in the Layout Editor ingame?

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Spawned solid objects not solid?
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I'm trying to spawn solid objects, but they apear to lose their solidness. The behavior and collisions are set to enabled and solid is on initial state enabled....

posted 5 years ago
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How to make spawned objects push away from still objects
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I am trying to work a concept out. Basically, this can be used for opening chests or breaking things open or maybe something that needs to split into a lot of p...

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