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Hey guys! So it's basically what i'm trying to do and what's happening in my game: Has a way to make the player slips through the wall like this? Thanks a lot t...

posted 3 years ago
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Pretty much it.

posted 3 years ago
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Hey ! Sorry that the title is confusing I didn't know how to explain it well. Basically, I have an invisible solid object where my sprite with the Platformer be...

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solid tags problem !
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Solid isn't working properly...Example : Object - circle (solid behaviour). Circle -> inclusive - "circle". But it circles doesn't collides with each other...Th...

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I'm creating a dodging game and trying to get the player (blue/green ball) and enemies (red balls) to rebound off each other rather than passing through. I've t...

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How do I let a laser collide with Tilemap?
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I would like to create a laserbeam. I have managed to let the laserbeam collide with a tilemap with solid behaviour, but on the edges, the laser still goes thro...

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How do I find the closest empty spot next to my object?
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In my game the player can throw rocks and then collect them back. The problem is that sometimes they will fall on top of solid objects and the player can no lon...

posted 3 years ago
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I have a 3 sprite in family, and when I use mouse is over on family mouse detect all object, but I want to over by highest sprites only.

posted 3 years ago
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I've spent about 14 hours on forums and YouTube unable to find the issue resolution. I have also recreated my project from scratch (link below) and the issue st...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I spread 2 solid units in pathfind?
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When I create 2 object and use pathfind to move them, they ignore each other despite the fact I use solid behavior on them and use a solid as an obstacle.

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