Content tagged laser

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This is probably the best way to make a laser in Construct. I'm not 100% sure tho. I haven't seen anything as good as this on YouTube yet. You can rotate the la...

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Laser behaviour is not accurate.
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Please go through the attached link. Is Construct 3 having the bug with Laser object as mentioned in the attachment.

posted 5 years ago
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I am searching for hours a solution to make a rotating laser cannon to throw a single dotted line of laser, but I can't find the solution. And secondly the lase...

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I'm struggling to figure out how to measure the distance in between 2 points (the first on a layer with 100%x100% parallax, the second on a layer with 0%x0% par...

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How do I make a laser that can reflect in certain object?
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Basically, i'm trying to make a 2d platformer game with puzzle elements, one of the mechanics it's a laser that can reflect in objects, but I barely can make th...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I let a laser collide with Tilemap?
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I would like to create a laserbeam. I have managed to let the laserbeam collide with a tilemap with solid behaviour, but on the edges, the laser still goes thro...

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How do I Create a Continuous Laser Beam?
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I have this character player with a "Magical Staff". I want to shoot a continuous laser beam. I know that I have to spawn the laser at the press of a button. Ca...

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How to create such a laser?
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I'm wondering how to create such a cool laser/blaster beam effect? It is unlikely done with tiled background or 9-patch as I did laser beams before. Any ideas,...

posted 1 years ago
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How do you reflect a laser and check its endpoint?
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Hey, everybody. I am making a 2D game with puzzle elements. The problem is as follows: Object A releases a laser, which must reach Object B for the following ch...

posted 8 months ago