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What happens when you stretch a tiled background?
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What happens when you stretch a tiled background? (I need to know for a school project and I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.).

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I have my levels to have backgrounds for the morning, day, and night. My Levels are going from 1 straight to 3 instead of going 1,2,3 or morning, day, and night...

posted 2 years ago
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I'm doing a project for school and need help
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So as the title says I am currently trying to create a "video game" for my school and I need some help. My game is a platformer and I need to make it so when I...

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I'm doing a project for school and need help
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I am creating a "video game" for a school project and it's a simple platformer I need two things if possible I don't really know how this website works so any a...

posted 2 years ago

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