Forum Topics tagged plugin-sdk

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This is my first question so I hope I am asking it ok. I am developing a Construct 3 plugin. I need to be able to run a function that is defined in the instance...

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How do I use Construct 3's native bluetooth plugin?
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Can you help me list devices, select, pair and send data? I want to send signals to the HC-05 bluetooth sensor and process these signals with the Arduino board....

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Admin note: Please only post in English on this forum. The post has been automatically translated. I have a fairly large project made many years ago in Construc...

posted 2 years ago
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I want to integrate eye tracking device with Construct 3. The device has Product Development Kit, the PDK allows to use the Stream Engine API to interface with...

posted 1 years ago
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Related TikTok-Live-Connector and Node.js challenge
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I have some personal c3addons, which I may not be able to sell or share. 1: Create c3addon socket.Io/webscoket + NPM feature package name. 2: To achieve platfor...

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