Content tagged multiple-sprites

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How do I load multiple spirites to one sprite?
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I have one Sprite with 3 container objects(3 spirites) but now I want to combine those three spirites and make into one. All 3 sprites are Images. The reason wh...

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How do I destroy only one sprite instead of all of them?
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In my project, I've created an entity that creates an object, it's like an enemy. There's more than one entity in the layout that creates this objects, but when...

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How do I properly reset a timeline to run several times?
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I got one character composed of 5 sprites. The animations are done with timelines. The timeline finished and I set the sprites to their original x and y. Also t...

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How I can use 1 sprites multiple times in 1 layout?
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I'm a newbie. When player finish a level, it will get Stars Point. I want to replace the blankstar sprites with star sprites, how it can be done? Thanks Before.