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How I do change animation through mouse position ?
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I am trying to make a character change its animation through mouse position. I currently tryin compere angle function.But not working.I am beginner please help....

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I am making a top-down shooter game. And I want to camera between player and mouse position also limit the distance.I prepare simple sheet. But with my sheet wh...

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Mouse.X and Mouse.Y parameters do not work
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So for context, I am trying to make a game so that the player's gun rotates toward the mouse, but when I try to put (Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) for the "Set Angle Toward...

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Controlling an Object While Pointer Lock is Active
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GAME SYNOPSIS. You're controlling a Character (presently the white box) as you fly down a corridor of space as Asteroids come at you from a distance. (Think: St...

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