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Autotile help?
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Hello I'm trying to find a way to automatically select the frame of a sprite depending on location/position relative to others, its often referred to as autotil...

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How to make a random World generator?
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At first, I have to say, that i'm german. Please get not angry about my Bad grammar skills. My question is: How do I make an algorithm that automatically create...

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Sorry for the Title, long, but that what I mean. Hi Guys. I want to make a game like Terraria or Minecraft in 2d, but unfortunately, if I play this game in my P...

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How do I do a lighting effect like in minecraft?
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I'm coding a minecraft in 2D but I'm stuck on something. In Minecraft, there are 16 levels of light, determined by an integer ranging from 0 (the minimum) to 15...

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How do I make minecraft like command system?
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I am remaking minecraft in 2D and I don't know how to make the command system. I use a text input as chat and a text area as chat log. To execute a command, you...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I make a minecart level for a 2D platformer?
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So I want to add a minecart level where you traverse you way to the exit and continue through the normal levels. But I want to know, how can I make a minecart b...

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Look, it sounds dumb but I really need help with this. A bit of background: This week is the 6th annual Brackeys game jam, and for the jam, I decided to make a...

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Given a tile-based procedurally generated world, in the vein of Minecraft or Terraria, is there a good way to save and load map data chunks to disk as needed? T...

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can i put "render distance" in 2d games?
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I'm testing some things with c2 like a minecraft clone and when I generate too many blocks the game obviously slow down, can I put some kind of block render dis...

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How do I make Minecraft like water
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I have always wanted to make a Minecraft 2D game and I have made some with GameMaker but since switching to Construct 3. I would like to make a good one. I have...

posted 2 years ago

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