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[C3]How do I FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Here is some compilation of Frequently Asked Questions and tips for Construct 3. The list Is'nt complete, Construct 3 is still recent and in development. Be sur...

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How do I control sprite with keyboard input?
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I really like this Construct games called little office trouble. I want to create a game with similar mechanics with this game I wonder how to make a sprite lik...

posted 5 years ago
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Hey guys! I was wondering if it is possible to make a mechanism of stretching objects in the Construct as we do with windows on our computer. Is it possible to...

posted 5 years ago
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Farming Logic
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How do you make a player till,water,plant multiple plots of land or trim multiple plants? Like in stardew valley or harvest moon. I also want to know how to add...

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I'm trying to make a platformer where the player can use different movement mechanics. One of them is a classic mega man style slide. I can get the player to sl...

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Some days ago I published this game template on the Scirra Store: Mechanics Sandbox ! It'd be amazing if you folks could give me a hand on sharing and checking...

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Here, I drawn a example of what I am trying to do.

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(RTS) How to make RTS mechanics with C3 tools?
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Thank you for making Construct accessible and understandable for people who want to create games but have difficulties in programming. You've added a lot of pow...

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How do I my character hide in a Sprite?
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How can I make my character hide in a sprite, that is, it gets inside the sprite and disappears and then I press a button and it leaves the sprite again.

posted 3 years ago
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How do I create a browser search?
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Ok I know what I am trying to do is a little crazy, but I really need it. Sry any grammatical error. So what I am trying to do: Basically the user will have a s...

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