Content tagged load-picture

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Hello community. I really hope that someone may help me here, because I was searching in internet for the solution for the long time and nothing that could help...

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I have a sprite that is a two frame animation. But when I load in the image using "Load Image From...", it only replaces the first frame. Can someone tell me ho...

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How do I load an image URL from within the project?
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I'm trying to load an image that is in the project and I'm getting the following error in the console. Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disa...

posted 4 years ago
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What does this error mean?
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I'm making a simple game where I load the images from URL with the help of the heroku app. After I finish the first turn and I need to reload the necessary imag...

posted 4 years ago
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Loading SVG images is too slow.
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I didn't know when I was developing on a PC. After exporting to mobile, I checked on the mobile device and found that SVG loading was very slow. In the game I'm...

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Loading Canvas or Sprite from TileMap
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Would it be possible to load a "canvas" (drawing canvas) or load a "sprite" with an image of a certain position of the "TileMap" (Tilemap.TileAt(x, y))?