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I have a problem, I'm making a random upgrade system, where at each level the player will have 3 random power up options, but after choosing the same power up a...

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how do i combine multiple games
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I would like users to see a first screen offering multiple games and from there they can choose which game to play. Each game already exists independently. Does...

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I have a project where a helicopter is flying above the players view, at a Z Elevation of 120 and it can fire at enemies on the ground. I'd like to be able to a...

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Changing cards in a card game
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How do I make a card change like in the Reigns game? I do it through the Array using ChatGpt, that's how it advises and how it comes out for me. An error comes...

posted 7 days ago
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I want to make a ledge grab mechanic for my game but I only know how to do it by manually placing sprites on EVERY ledge which my game is far to big to do that....

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How do I make a quest NPC escort system?
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I'm doing a game for my College project and I have a problem: The player will interact with NPC's (in total 12), the NPC will follow the character's player and...

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I want to make a ledge grab mechanic for my game but I only know how to do it by manually placing sprites on EVERY ledge which my game is far to big to do that....

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How do i set my camera size?
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Working on a project, the normal camera scrolls to the player. But for the boss fight I want it to cover the entire layout not just a certain area ive been play...

posted 6 days ago
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How do I damage only 1 enemy on collision?
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So I've read through all the other posts covering this and for some reason still can't get this to work for me. I've done it before, but that was many years ago...

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How do I activate random groups without repition?
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I tried for awile to get this stupid boss working but I couldnt figure out how to get the groups to activate randomly and when they did activate it'd stay on th...

posted 3 days ago

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