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Multiplayer - Peer not connecting to host
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I've been messing a lot with Construct 2's multiplayer function recently . I used the chat room example by Scirra as a foundation for my project . But , the con...

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Question about Hosting and Servers in Multiplayer
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I want to automatically create a new tab which will become the host of a new game for a set of peers. Each time a new host is created, I want the new tab to be...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I fully go offline using Multiplayer?
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I've made a simple test programm with three buttons. Push Button 1, it connects and logs into the signaling server. Push Button 1 again, it discconnects from si...

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Multiplayer with a lot of delay
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I'm doing some tests with the multiplayer behavior of Construct 3, in this test I have a maze made with the tilemap and a simple square sprite being my player,...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I Kick All Peers from a multiplayer game?
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Put in a different way, when the host leaves, how do I disconnect all other players?

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multiple multiplayer games
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It should be possibel to set up multiple variations of 1 game in multiplayer. Let's say the game is called 'hello world'. Multiple 'rooms' of this game can be h...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I destroy an object on the peer's side?
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I'm destroying a synced object on the host's side, and my assumption was that it'd automatically disappear on the peer's side when that happened. The object doe...

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Trigger Once While True not working in a For Each loop
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I've got a Multiplayer game with one Host and one Peer. The characters are moved around by the HeroBase object. With the code below, the conditions are met when...

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Is there a way to check when host leaves?
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So, I've been making a multiplayer game, and, as expected (of course), when the host leaves, everything synced freezes for the peers. The problem is that, after...

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Multiplayer - Not possible to join as HOST anymore
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I was working on a multiplayer game for the past week. Yesterday evening all was fine, but when I wanted to continue today, I realised that the first client ope...

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