Content tagged google-ads

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Promoting my app with Google Ads (my experience)
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I'm here to share my experience and to ask for others experiences. One week ago I started to promote my app using Google ads, got 24 resources for the campaign...

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[PAID] Expert in publishing playable ads to google ads
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I have created a game in Construct 3. Its a simple drag n drop game and nothing too fancy as its for a playable ad. I am struggling to get it into Google ads, a...

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How install google library on Xcode?
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I have a error in Xcode "Error library not found for _IGoogleUtilities".

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Mobile ads - preparing for production on google play
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So I have my admob plug in in test mode and am using test ad IDs for interstitial and reward ads. When I create my signed APK it seems I just need to take it ou...

posted 3 years ago
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I need somebody strong in JS and Construct
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I have a JS project that I use in Construct games to display ads from Google Adsense for Games. I need somebody who is strong in JS to fix a bug. I was wonderin...

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I try to create playable ads for Google ads using Construct 3. But always get rejected, my team try to ask Google what the issue and Google ads reply us with th...

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How do I make rich media HTML5 google display ads?
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Is it possible to make rich media HTML5 Google display ads? Could anybody share their interactive ads made in Contsruct 3? I know that I can use Google Web Desi...

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Does Construct use Google Ad IDs?
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Google play wants to know if apps targeting API LVL 33 for Android 13 use ad IDs in Google play or advertisement plugin. Is this used by Construct plugins?

posted 2 years ago
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I'm trying to create playable HTML5 ADS for Google Ads using Construct 3. But when I try to upload it to Google Ads I get error: MyGame.Zip - The following file...