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[Help] Can't save json file
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Level design are saved and load with json file. I can save it on live preview or localhost, but, on exported file (html5) save file are blocked by browser. Here...

posted 5 years ago
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How can I generate a hex tile grid in C3?
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My question is quite simple actually. How can I generate an hex grid for my turn based board game in C3 using as few actions as possible? I found an plugin for...

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how do i make a sprite-based level generator?
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I was trying to make a system in which the programming reads the color of the pixel and according to the color it creates an object in that location, but I coul...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I spawn premade object structures?
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I am currently working on a minecraft 2d like clone and in my generation code I would like to spawn trees that are comprised of multiple blocks in a certain pat...

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How do I create an island using peeling noise
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Hi there I’m currently prototyping a sandbox survival game and I’ve messed around with some perlin noise before on example projects. I understand the mechanics...

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How do I add solid borders around a randomly sized area?
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I recently found this random map generator on YouTube: And have been tweaking it to generate randomly sized rooms. I'm now stuck on how to make the surrounding...

posted 1 years ago