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How do I Change color to a sprite in runtime?
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So I came across a problem where I have more than 200 images and having SETCOLOR and setting the colors for each objects is hard as I may have more images comin...

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What is Ex in rgbEx?
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I know that in rgba, a represents the alpha value. But what's Ex in rgbEx? Can I just use the same syntax as rgb(n, n, n)? (n is 0-255).

posted 4 years ago
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rgbEx is very misleading...
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For a user that just transferred from C2 to C3, I got really confused and frustrated regarding this. Same color codes, different output. It just frustrating tha...

posted 4 years ago
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Replace Color - HSL
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Hey, I am making a menu that allows you to change how your character looks. You can change the color of some things, such as the eye color. I have three custom...

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I'm still figuring out how to make a proper slide menu. Currently I'm trying to find the best way to only show a small area from all the objects of the slide me...

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Webcam colours detection
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I'm searching about a Webcam colours detector in Construct 3. I would like for example detect a red dot on a video in webcam. Thanks a lot.

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Webcam gesture control
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I'm searching about this possibility, a Webcam gesture control. Control for example with a red ball in your hand a sprite. Thanks.

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I know how to do it in plain CSS, but I can't figure out how to do it through C3 events. Do I have to resort to finding the DOM element and then changing it thr...

posted 4 years ago
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Hi there I am trying to change the selection color when the text in the textinput object is selected, I am using the code in this tutorial - not sure where I am...

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Easiest way to get the amount of color used?
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For my drawing game I want to get the amount of ink used of each color to draw the picture. Therefore, after the picture is drawn I take a snapshot of it and ru...

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