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[Solved] Weird Issue With Sprite & Tiles
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It may sound confusing but please bear with me. I have made two different enemies on my platformer game. One with "Tiles Background" and the other one with "Spr...

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Is there a way in which we can get the IID of pinned object? Let's say an object B is pinned to object A. Whenever the player collides / overlaps with object A,...

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How do I make an event only trigger once?
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In my scenario, I'm trying to make a platform move on collision with the character. I'm using a tween to make it move back and forth but every time the characte...

posted 3 years ago
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How to subtract numbers from health count?
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I want it so when the player collides with an enemy, it subtracts from the health counter. I am aware that you have to use a Global Variable, but how exactly do...

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Keeping Platform behavior vectors after collisions
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The problem is simple: I need to give object1's Platform vectors to object2 on collision. Object2 also has solid behavior so it stops object1, thus setting it's...

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