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Construct Time #7: Tooltip System
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As always, the file is available for free on my Patreon: The obvious requirements to having a tooltip system is to have some kind of UI system. I was tempted to...

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How To Make A Button with ProUI
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This tutorial uses a paid addon : You will learn : - How to quickly create a button. - Set tweens, frames and animations to be played on each state of the butto...

4 years ago
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A very simple button push down sprite animation.
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First,we will draw normal button and button pushed frame on a sprite. Don't Forget To Put The Animation Speed To Zero. Normal button frame(frame 0): Pushed butt...

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Using Ajax as Event Signals
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Everyone! I am Chad Wolfe, founder of Cairo Creative Studios LLC, and today I come to you with a relatively mad and also extremely useful replacement for Event...

  • 4 replies
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I'm new to Construct 3, not entirely new to coding or game making. Anyway, I have wrapped my head around the basics of the engine by now, but I want to build a...

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Key Inputs are ignored when a button is "Highlighted"
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I have a pretty straight forward issue. Whenever a button is "Highlighted" in my game all other key inputs are ignored. I have no code anywhere that would be ca...

posted 5 years ago
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Buttons are still clickable under the video?! (((
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I have a layout which is a level of the game I'm currently working on. When you press a button a tutorial video pops up and plays on the full screen mode. The p...

posted 5 years ago
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Basic Buttons Examples .c3p
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I always seems to forget so I made a example.C3p for "some" basic buttons and. Stuff. -Simple Stuff. -"Effects" (for some reason we type them now??). -Scale. -"...

posted 5 years ago
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Ive tried a single layer and two layers and Ive set the Title Sprite at the top of the layer and set the buttons to the bottom of the layer and yet they still a...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I add the condition "when clicked" to a sprite ?
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Hello there, I would like to add the condition "when clicked" to my sprite to make it like a button. Otherwise, how can I make an invisible button clickable ? T...

posted 5 years ago

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