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A data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key.

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Something changed on Arrays??
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Since today I noticed that when I open an array through the Files / Arrays folder in the project bar, the .Json file opens with the array data on text and a lit...

posted 6 years ago
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Need help with Array, AJAX, File Array...
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I created an array in the file section of my game via right click-> create file and filled it up with the data I wanted to. I managed to get AJAX to fetch it an...

posted 6 years ago
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How can I get the SUM of a single row in an Array?
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I'm using an array to track level completions with simple 1s and 0s. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get the sum of a row in this array to quickly be ab...

posted 6 years ago
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How do I use an array to spawn specific objects
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I am having a slight issue(duh). Sooooooo in a game I'm making I'm using an array to spawn objects at certain times. It has 2 columns. The first specifies what...

posted 6 years ago
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I've been migrating my app from C2 to C3. It is heavily dependent on an array as there are about 320 references to it in the event sheet. I've been using the CS...

posted 6 years ago
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Compare a part of a value in array?
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I have phrases text as values in array. I would like to compare just 1 word of the phrases, so one part of it of the values. For example: I like mushrooms. I li...

posted 6 years ago
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Need help in adding values in Array
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I have 2 variables Correct and Incorrect which contain data how many times correct clicked and incorrect clicked as well. Now I want to record last 5 play's res...

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How do I show progress during Array iteration?
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I am iterating through a very large array using For each element . Because of the size of the array and the calculations done to its contents this takes a long...

posted 6 years ago
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How do I fill an array with tilemap tiles coordinates?
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I`m trying to locate all non-empty tiles on a tilemap and insert their ID, X (in pixels) and Y (in pixels) into an array, but not all of the tiles data appear i...

posted 6 years ago
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How do I use recently spawned objects?
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I would like to create and position a few objects. Here is my event sheet: The story starts with the button. When clicked it logs the number of Pawns. At first,...

posted 6 years ago

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