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I have made a 10 video tutorial to show how to create a Side-Scrolling Shooter with 8-bit style Pixel Art in Construct 2 / 3. This video is made for absolute be...

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Construct Time #6: One way doors
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Two Construct Times in two days, what's happening? Yeah from now on, I decided I won't stick to a "schedule" and just release whatever the hell I want whenever...

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Welcome to episode #1 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we start setting up our project with a player, animations, basic input and smo...

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How do I...go up and down ladders?
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Somebody recently asked me if they should use both the Platform and 8-Directional behavior to move up and down ladders. My answer was, "You could, but...". Ther...

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I'm moving my player character using the pin and 8 direction behaviour method. Default controls are off so the keys 'W A S D' are in use. My animations are work...

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How do I make a "jump" with a 8 direction behaviour?
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In my game is no gravity. I want the player’s character to receive acceleration perpendicular to the solid surface he touches, and to change its direction by pr...

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How do I create tank treads?
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I am making a tank game, but I would like to create treads everywhere all of the the tanks move. I also want the treads to be detailed, no just black streaks on...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I make My 8-Direction character run?
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So, I started making a little 8-Direction project and I wanted to make my character run, I made a little event that is: If Shift is down, Set Max Speed to 400....

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How do I 8 Direction behavior angle?
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How do I control my character according to the angle of another sprite " Analog ".

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[SOLVED] Problem with behaviour 8 direction
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I'm very new in C3, so you should excuse me for my stupid question. I created a new project and an object sprite with a simple image and I setted 8 direction be...

posted 5 years ago

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