Compatibility issue on "8BitDo Ultimate controler" over Bluetooth

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  • Hi, I'm currently encountering an unusual issue regarding my "8bit ultimate controller" gamepad when connecting it via Bluetooth.

    The controller functions flawlessly on my project when it's connected via its 2.4g adapter. However, if I attempt to switch to its Bluetooth connection, it stops working on my project for some reason. The strange part is that the controller works perfectly over Bluetooth when using it on Steam's big picture mode or playing other compatible games.

    This problem persists in both windows and mac systems. Can someone help me figure this out? Thanks in advance.

  • One more thing, forgot to mention. I tried testing with my Nintendo switch joy cons. Surprisingly, they both seem to work perfectly on my project on both windows and mac when connected over bluetooth.

  • Perhaps when you switch the connection, Windows thinks it's a new controller and assigns it to player 2?

    You could make a test project with a text object, and append some text whenever a gamepad button from any controller is pressed. Then you can see if switching the controllers connection also changes the gamepad ID.

  • This controller is only meant to be used in wired or 2.4ghz mode for PC, and bluetooth mode for Nintendo Switch. It *can* work on PC over bluetooth with the right drivers/software (Steam is providing them while it's running) but it isn't exactly meant to. In other words, it's an issue with the controller and some weird decisions on 8bitdo's part.

  • Hi. Jase00, Tokinsom, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. wasn't sure if anyone will respond to this post.

    Jase00 I tested it out as you mentioned, doesn't seem to work :(

    Tokinsom I think you are right, as soon as I switch over to 2.4ghz mode on PC, while running my project, the controller seems to work instantly. haven't had the opportunity to test this on Mac yet though. If I try to connect my Nintendo Switch joy-cons over Bluetooth, they also seem to connect instantly with no issue.

    Guess I would have a similar outcome if I try to connect a PlayStation or an Xbox controller over Bluetooth.

    When I faced this issue originally, I thought maybe I messed up setting up some kind of settings in my project.

    Thanks for clearing things up :)

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  • Perhaps there exists a driver for the Bluetooth part? I managed to install 3rd party drivers to get Bluetooth Wii remote working on Windows and worked perfect in Construct 3.

    Hopefully there is a solution, but might be the case there's nothing that can be done :(

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