Cocoon is gone!

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  • Got his announcement in my e-mail today:

    "We started Ludei/Cocoon because we believed the future of app and game development would be based in HTML5. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen and native development is stronger than ever."

    Native stronger than ever... interesting.

    any thoughts Ashley? would like to hear what you think of that statement.

  • I'm sorry, but I really feel like that is a very misleading blog post from Cocoon.

    In my opinion (and just my opinion), Cocoon is not gone because HTML5 is not strong, but because it's getting easier and easier to use other tools to export HTML5 and get good fps doing it.

    Naturally, computers / devices are getting faster and faster and the speed between native and HTML5 for 2d games is blending.

    I genuinely feel that there is really no need for Cocoon because of this and therefore no one really wanted to buy the service (to remove the Cocoon logo etc.), and it stopped being a viable business idea.

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  • It seems they were unable to monetise a build service. I'm not sure what that has to do about the fate of HTML5.

  • It seems they were unable to monetise a build service. I'm not sure what that has to do about the fate of HTML5.

    That's was I was thinking, I keep seeing more and more making use of web tech to make games be it C3 or something else. I think their problem was the pricing, I mean anyone can use cordova for free right?

  • I think their problem was the pricing, I mean anyone can use cordova for free right?

    That's what i felt also, when i started using them back in 2015 i think... for like 1 test and then when i asked removing the logo how much will cost ... i just said .... "ooooook cmd commands it is".

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