Space Killer - Battle for the Universe in LOOTER, Roguelike elements arcade

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    We are indie developers and we want to present you a new roguelike elements arcade game with battles in space.

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    Choose your space ship and enter the battle for the universe against the unknown threat of the "Xenarians." The fate of the entire cosmos depends on you.

    In "Space Killer," you'll encounter exciting battles, space exploration, resource mining, and an incredible amount of Loot. Customize your ship to your liking by selecting from various modifications and weapons. Each upgrade makes your ship more powerful and ready to face the dangers of space.

    There's no room for boredom in "Space Killer" - numerous missions, puzzles, and adventures await you, where every decision affects your survival. Become a true cosmic Loot hunter and acquire the most valuable Loot in the universe.

    Join the epic space battle for the universe and prove that you are the ultimate Loot Hunter on the cosmic frontier. Prepare your ship for battle and get ready for incredible adventures in this captivating arcade game with elements of LOOTING, RPG-ARCADE, and ROGUELIKE ELEMENTS

    Game page is already available on Steam .

    We'd love to hear your feedback.

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