UI/UX Designer Looking for Projects

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  • 1 posts
  • Hi, I am here on to help you in your project and design a UI and UX for your mobile game (Android and iOS) and also for console Switch, PlayStation Portable, Game Boy Advance, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4 Pro, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Switch and PC.

    I can provide UX or User Experience wirefrmes, UI or User Interface prototyping, complete UI , assets for your 2d game, game idea, game branding, game design consultancy. Also I can provide game title or game logo, mobile game icon or mobile app icon, mobile game cover or pc game cover and pc game cover art.


    -Adobe Photoshop/Affinity Photo/GIMP

    -Adobe Illustrator/Affinity Designer/ Inkscape

    -Dragon Bones Pro

    -Construct 2&3 /Unity 3d

    Portfolio :


    Length of availability:

    35H to 45H/Week

    Rates/Payment Method:

    $15/hour (negotiable) or by pack : Start from 10$, through PayPal

    Contact Method:

    On Discord : Idris_Hadjoudj#5714

    Or On : idris.hadjoudjazf@gmail.com


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