C3-programmer needed - a physic driving- & actiongame || *FLEXIBLE PROJECT* || *GET PAID*||

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  • Hey all C3-professionals and the other programmers!

    I want the whole game step by step to being created and there some steps i need some help for an active programmer. I have great game designs and if you are interested to do collaborate, you should have a freelancer account. We shall collaborate via "Freelancer.com" because imo it's safe way to use currencies and create payments for the treated tasks. By using the service on freelancer.com we both should follow the procedures of this service and since using this website we are truly collaborating as a "contestor" and a "freelancer".

    The project description (and hopefully the next procedure for you and me):

    The project is for the android and IOS and is on the developing stage. It remainds a lot of the game named "Rovercraft" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobirate.rovercraft.gplay) My game basically should work like the original game, just like the "Rovercraft's does and most mechanics should work kind of the same way. I hope you first check out this specific game and start review which is the best way implement the main features of the game. Or if you have already enought skills and time to work on my tasks, please contact me or reply on this quote. You can also contact to my scirra- account on the website (and while it seems to be impossible, use the following e-mail joonatan129@hotmail.com, thx). Since i own the C3-Subscription -licence i understand the basics about the C3 game-engine, but i still have no enought time and skills to program the whole game by myself - even while it's seems to be more simple to do with Construct-engine and with it's assets. As a indepented game developer i have learned the basic steps of creating games and had some practice and gain experience. If you get interested, please make a comment or send me an e-mail with portfolio and your bid!

    The initial contraction we should make before starting:

    Things you'll create with C3-software by my support, you have the full permissions use work free, but not for the commerical use. You shall provide these finished and paid works for me to an and for unlimited use. We'll be using the placeholders and if we've both agree, the finished also paid works can be published on the Scirra-store for the benefit of both. Since we start working, the project and all material including demos and any other parts of the project we are working on, are confidential. Designer (me) for the paid works, decides when or what to being published.

    About the Budget and salary:

    The whole project will being made by using the Construct game-engine. While both of us are using the licenced Construct-engine, the overral bugdet will stay on low. As you might see, the original game the Rover Craft, is not very large game and it's mechanics are quite simple AND some of the behaviors which the final game will contain, already exicsts on the c3-engine. We both will gain the benefits from "source code" after the tasks are created. So this is why we have to negotiate more precisely what behaviors we'll be using when making the project. The editor for the rover, variabled items, blueprints which can be saved for the later use and other objects and statuses, which are need to be saved, also smooth driving system and optimized scroll-maps and behaviors makes hitches to me while starting to create the prototype of the project. Since i'm making the nice placeholders and doing the concept designs with models, i consider the average price per task/hours you spend on this project should be low as $10-30/h. Including that you may have done these kind of tasks earlier and you even may have the very similar asset being sold on the scirra-store already, we'll both use and own the "source code" separately based on the C3-engine. PLEASE NOTICE that doing on this freelancer project (or other freelance-projects) should not to be your maintain income; just because this project should not provide to you the whole maintance for your life and dreams - AND why, because i'm poor and noob as indie gamedeveloper's usually does and this means the AVERAGE BID SHALL BE ON BETWEEN $10-30/PER WORKING HOUR and corresponding to quality and experience and to some of the distress my small tasks may give to you. The project author is situated at the Finland, i'm a single person (not a company - at least not yet) and i though i really have to set rent to my bodyholes if needed budget raises to level of the athmospheres.

    Thanks for your interest and cooperation thoughts!

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  • Hey, I'm a C3 programmer interested in collaborating!

    You can read more about my experience and credentials here.

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