Game removed from Google Play

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  • I have a logic game "Smart Numbers" a clone of known 2048 game (with some changes) and it was on a Google Play for a long time. Yesterday I got mail from GP and they told me that after a recent review the game has been removed from GP market, due to a policy violation. One (or maybe only one) of the reasons is the app's full description mentions other apps: 2048. And it's right, my fault, I just wrote on description that the game is variation of 2048. But there is a tons of 2048 clones games, that even not hide it and have 2048 in description and even title , and even from biggest companies like Ketchapp etc.... If you type 2048 in GP search you will find a plenty of these clones.... So why they decide to remove exactly my game????

    I really sad about it, the main dilemma is what to do, remove the mention 2048 from description and resubmit, or mail to their policy support team and ask about all this issue.

    Guys If you have some experience with this kind of issues or some thoughts I will glad to hear 😕

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  • Sending a mail to the actual team that actually handles the reviewing and knows the actual reasons for the reject sounds like a good idea.

  • follow this guidelines and you will be fine metadata policy google play

    keypoints to take from metadata policy

    Big companies like Ketchup - have a license for the game non-exclusive, or agreement with original creators even google himself in some cases.

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