Pig Boxing is a pixel game about Boxing

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. And today I decided to show you my game called Pig Boxing. Description attached:

    The history of the character:

    "Pig Beef grew up in a poor family. For this his in childhood teased and humiliated local guys. But Biff promised himself that he would learn to fight to fight back the next time. After a while, he grew and became a large pig. He did not want to fight with the old bullies, and he decides to get rich at the expense of Boxing!

    - In the game Pig Boxing you will play for pig Beef. Go through level after level to get to the main bosses! You can also participate in a deadly battle, earning coins. Improve Biff's skills: speed, strength, stamina and super punch! Watch the energy, it is not infinite. To restore it, hit the punching bag!


    Game on Google Play - play.google.com/store/apps/details

  • Seems cool. I think the first opponent could be a little easier, but that's ok. I love the art style!

    I got a bug though, for some reason all buttons stopped working so I cannot enter any fight. This persists even when I close the app and open it again... Sorry that I cannot remember all the conditions before the bug.

  • Seems cool. I think the first opponent could be a little easier, but that's ok. I love the art style!

    I got a bug though, for some reason all buttons stopped working so I cannot enter any fight. This persists even when I close the app and open it again... Sorry that I cannot remember all the conditions before the bug.

    Thanks for the feedback! Maybe the problem is that your energy has not recovered in the upper right corner? Usually this not gives enter in battle

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  • You're right. You should give some clear feedback on that case, instead of just not accepting the touches.. :)

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