Generals War : RTS PVP Online (the most complex game ever made in construct !)

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • hi,

    in this game i used: ajax,webrtc,servers,databases,server-side-coding,customize(self-made) official c2 behaviors and plugins, custom(self-made) plugins, custom(self-made) cordova plugins,2.5D renders,math! a lot of it!, ....

    i just launched it on beta. and i will be so happy to hear your thoughts on it.

    the game :

    Generals War : RTS PVP Online

  • It looks very nice, the gameplay is kind of basic though right as it looks like you don't control anything that happens, things just spawn and you go to a base. Some of the text needs some work as well. Nice use of isometric though mmmm.

  • It looks very nice, the gameplay is kind of basic though right as it looks like you don't control anything that happens, things just spawn and you go to a base. Some of the text needs some work as well. Nice use of isometric though mmmm.

    thanks for the good word, but you control all of it, you control what unit to build, you control where your unit to go, you control what base to capture, you control how to use your support units, you can mix your units for better efficiency and you can micromanage your units, i think you didn't play it enough, it surely have more control than clash royale.

  • Yeah maybe so. I just played a bunch of the AI levels and then one against a human player (I think), but I guess everything was happening too fast to feel like I had any control. The buildings do spawn the units very fast but it looked nice while it was happening.

  • Yeah maybe so. I just played a bunch of the AI levels and then one against a human player (I think), but I guess everything was happening too fast to feel like I had any control. The buildings do spawn the units very fast but it looked nice while it was happening.

    yeh, i want it to be not boring ;D

    thanks again for the feedback.

  • Looks good, lots of depth in gameplay w/ multiplayer, good luck with the beta!

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  • Looks good, lots of depth in gameplay w/ multiplayer, good luck with the beta!

    thanks. actually i am going to release it for better review and feedback and more user base.

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