Everybody loves Poker! No...? My new game on iOS and Android. :) Poker Solitaire 5/9

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From the Asset Store
Create your game with this complete pack of images and animations!
  • My second game created with Construct 3 is now out, since just a few hours on iOS and Android.


    Nine cards Poker that plays solo!

    Create the best poker hands by choosing 5 out of 9 cards.

    Play smart and think ahead by keeping good cards for the next turn too.

    There is luck involved but a good dose of strategy will net you big scores!

    Can you get a real high score in this solitaire game?

    Poker Solitaire 5/9 on the App Store

    Poker Solitaire 5/9 on Google Play Store

    I'm looking forward to comments from fellow C3 devs!

    I know it's a different style of game (from most C3 creations), but I hope it will please some of you here, that like game that ask to think ahead a little. ;)


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  • Interesting game, took me a while to understand the strategy.

    It's impossible to find your game in Google Play, even if I type the exact name "Poker Solitaire 5/9", it still doesn't show up. I don't know if it hasn't been indexed properly yet, or maybe you need to choose a more unique name for it..

    Also, you need to add an app icon, it's a standard Construct icon at the moment :)

  • dop2000

    Thanks a lot for the comments! :)

    For the search on Google Play, on the web version I see my game in 7th position when I type "Poker Solitaire 5/9" (without the quotes) and 1st when typed with the quotes. Maybe it will do better on mobile in 48 hours.

    For my first app it took 2-3 days to appear in search results. I think the Stores analyse if the game got downloaded at least a little and have received some ratings, Apple seems to do the same.

    Thanks a lot for the icon, I was thinking that all devices were using the icon provided in "Google Play Console" but some devices are using the icons files that are IN Construct 3 project itself. :/ I'll fix this in an update in a day or two so thank you for this! :)

  • No worries! If I may, a few other suggestions -

    Try not to place buttons too close to screen edges, on "frameless" phones people will touch them by accident.

    Also, on many Android phones the navigation bar is invoked by swiping on the bottom of the screen. You have "Poker hands order" button there, so it causes it to open/close all the time. Not a big deal, but it feels like a poor UI design.

    And in "Poker hands order", when you tap on little question marks, the text that appears is too small and difficult to read.

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