Is programming only with javascript code better than using construct3?

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  • Lately I've been wondering, since I've learned to do more and more complex things in Construct3, and I want to make complete and long-to-finish games, like a real game such as pokèmon etc...,

    If it's convenient, if it's better to learn javascript code in a complete way and program my games only with the code (if it's possible).

    Since I have so much work to do, and I want to improve and become faster, I have to figure out how to save time and optimize my work. Could I do the same things I do with construct3 with just my code? Consider that for example "behaviors" or effects I've never used in Construct3, because they limit what I can do even if they are faster.

    I generally always prefer to do everything starting from 0 for several reasons.

    If learning javascript well was a good idea, even if I have to study more, I would.

    What do you recommend?

  • It's entirely up to you which you use. If you're experienced with both, event sheets and JavaScript code still have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example in my Command & Construct game project, I mostly used JavaScript coding, but I still used event sheets for the menu systems, because it's quicker and easier than having to write code for a menu system.

  • It's entirely up to you which you use. If you're experienced with both, event sheets and JavaScript code still have their own strengths and weaknesses. For example in my Command & Construct game project, I mostly used JavaScript coding, but I still used event sheets for the menu systems, because it's quicker and easier than having to write code for a menu system.

    honestly I want to do the hardest thing and that allows me to do more. That's why I thought that javascript (at least I think) is the basis of Construct3, i.e. if so, maybe with javascript I could create a program identical to Construct3?

    Perhaps it would take too much work time considering that Construct3 was made by a team maybe years of work.

    But the point is that javascript is at the core, so learning that (even if it takes a long time) when I've learned it I'll be able to do everything I did with Constrcut3 anyway. And maybe much more and faster.

    You talked about strengths and weaknesses, what are the weaknesses of javascript?

    I'm following a video tutorial course for javascript (and also html and css), and it seems to me that in terms of organization, variability of elements, it's more efficient.

    with javascript can I do everything I do with Construct3? Like making a spaceship that moves etc...? My games are Anime style, I like to put artistic images and it's animated, but I'm not interested in big special effects like 3D.

    If you want I can put the link of a free video game that I made and published on the play store, to give you an idea of ​​how I want the style of my games to be, even if my game is still incomplete and scarce in terms of content (not to mention of so many bugs there are).

  • You know, that makes a lot of sense.

    Right?! Why would you still pay for C3 if you have to learn JS anyways? Very observant, with a simple and logical conclusion.

    I wonder if more people think that way?

  • You know, that makes a lot of sense.

    Right?! Why would you still pay for C3 if you have to learn JS anyways? Very observant, with a simple and logical conclusion.

    I wonder if more people think that way?

    I think so too, but I have to say something else:

    When I started programming (4-5 years ago with Construct3) I did so because I had no idea where to start with javascript, (I didn't even know what it was), instead I knew something but little about html.

    But not knowing where to start, I looked for html guides (and the complexity scared me).

    In short, not knowing how to do it, I found Constrcuct3 by chance and I started with that, thinking: maybe if I start from something simpler I will be able to learn the code in the future.

    and that's exactly what happened. Construct3 helped me and made me learn a lot, and it's thanks to it that now I can understand javascript code, html etc... also because I trained my mind, memory and logic. even I don't use code. So it was a go-between and I'm glad I started that way.

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  • Give it a try. Engines help you out in a lot of ways, and each engine is a bit different. Construct has a lot of useful features and the editor saves a lot of time. Knowing JavaScript is really a small portion of it. Construct has a certain JavaScript api to interact with the engine, and if you used another library it would have a different one. Or you could even make your own engine directly working with the web apis, but having it work the same across different browsers becomes something to handle.

    Anyways, it’s always a good exercise to try. You’ll learn a lot even if it doesn’t work out. You’ll learn how to to use different libraries, how to do some things that construct handled for you and give an appreciation of some complex things that construct does that aren’t simple to do on your own. But overall it’s all good. I don’t think it’s likely to be faster, especially at first. Overall you’re trading issues you have to deal with in construct with different ones. Although many may be the same.


    You can learn JavaScript and develop games with it on Construct.

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