How do I use npm or other package managers with C3?

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  • Hello,

    There is a js sdk that can be installed using package manager. Is it feasible to use npm inside a C3 project folder?

    I have included an sdk before, but I had to manually make a copy and include it in my Scripts folder. It couldn't be easily maintained with every new version of the sdk. Is there a better option?


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  • It's not easy to support npm in Construct as it runs in the browser without any involvement of node. If you can get a library you want packaged in a manner suitable for using in a browser, it should work in Construct too. So usually the trick is to find some browser-compatible package of a library.

  • It's not easy to support npm in Construct as it runs in the browser without any involvement of node. If you can get a library you want packaged in a manner suitable for using in a browser, it should work in Construct too. So usually the trick is to find some browser-compatible package of a library.

    Is it possible to support npm in the future? The number of SDKs (social media integrations, ..etc) increase every day and it is not feasible to ask the C3 team for plugin for each sdk.

    My main focus is HTML5 games.

  • I am not sure about the technical feasibility of that. It sounds very complicated indeed, and getting a better answer would require quite a lot of research work.

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