work with player data storage

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  • Good evening, I need to make a game with login systems that the person will register by putting EMAIL, PASSWORD, COUNTRY and invitation code of another user already registered to receive rewards, and my doubt is the following where I could store the data of user, I heard that a good way is SQL because it works with a table that would be great to store all the user's data including the items he has in the account... but I don't know how to work with SQL since the code doesn't there is nasa javer with construct 3, i need to know where i would start and go down that path and if construct 3 supports making this connection between c3 and SQL server and what i need to learn to put it into practice.

    another option I heard is that the google account itself serves to store people's data, including items already purchased etc... it will be a game with many users and very complex, can you give me some light on this, thank you in advance .

  • Stop doing what you are doing and create smaller, simplier games.

    You probably would benefit from using Firebase plugin, but in general if you are not an experienced gamedev, you are wasting your time here now.

  • for a firebase plugin

    I think it is best for you. Google spreadsheets will not go ok with a lot of requests and also there are security conserns with spreadsheets, as I guess anybody could hack it to change or steal data, which you would not like to happen.

  • Hi thanks for the answer, I have questions about this plugin, in SQL would I have access to the customer's information like the items he has so I can add extra things to them in an event, in firebase would I have access to the customer's registration?

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  • I am no pro in firebase, but I thimk you should.

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