Unique File Extension + File Icons for browsing on supported OS ?

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  • Hi All,

    In my current project there is a SAVE / LOAD that creates an original file extension, for example: "Whatever.alon"

    When LOADING or just browsing on Windows 10 (my current system) obviously there are no specific icon for .alon files since windows doesn't know what they are.

    Just to be clear, I'm NOT talking about the standalone .exe file that I will finally export from C3 as NWJS.exe before publisihg but my very own file extension as I explained.


    1 - How can I make windows recognize the icons, so when a user will install it on their own OS these files will shown by the icon I decided.

    2 - What sizes of the File extension ICONS do I need to create so it will be shown in any browsing mode, for example: "Tiles", "Extra Large", "Details" and other VIEW options on Windows.

    3 - Will these File Extension ICONS be recognize also on Linux and Mac OS?

    (I'm just a windows user)

    If anyone here already released a public version on Steam, itch or other marketplaces it will be a great if you can share your experience of this.

    Thanks ahead for any help or explanation of the procedure.


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  • You need to use Installation Software to package your app. Many of them have an option to register file associations. Here is an example link:


    I have never done this myself, so google is your friend :)

  • You need to use Installation Software to package your app. Many of them have an option to register file associations. Here is an example link:


    I have never done this myself, so google is your friend :)

    Thanks for the suggestion dop2000 I remember using Installshield back when I used "Klik & Play" years ago (I'm a dinosaur!) :)

    Of course I did some google before (and still looking for info about it) but since I'm trying to learn how to make it ready for steam which is super complicated procedure from what I'm looking at their steamworks website I'm not sure if installation files are recommended, but a clean .exe (from the NWJS build in C3 case) but I don't have any experience with Steam which is much more complicated than I thought.

    If anyone here have some experience with this, please read again what I'm trying to achieve on the original post and share your experience, tips, help, Thanks ahead!

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