How do I stop this update loop from happening with desktop C3?

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  • So here's something that's been happening off and on for quite a while now and it's utterly frustrating.

    I have Construct 3 installed as a Chrome App, and every time I open it, it shows me the following.

    So I click on UPDATE and do whatever I need to do, close down Construct 3 and when I re-open it again, I see the following. (This is a different screenshot ...)

    So, it looks like Construct 3 isn't remembering the fact I'm using the most up-to-date version possible and I have to 'update' it again. This never ends.

    Does anyone have any clue as how to escape the ninth circle of hell? ;)

  • As an update to this, it's the same if I clear my cache. Completely uninstall Chrome, remove cookies etc etc. It even happens when I visit in the browser.

  • That's just what it does if you opt in to use the beta releases I don't think there's a way around it. You must be going to the launch page too much if you find it frustrating, just keep the editor open.

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  • Opt out of notifications for beta releases in Settings if you don't want to see those messages. You must have previously opted in as the default is to only notify you about stable releases.

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