How do I select and move a single object in the animation drawer?

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  • I just wanna move a circle a small amount but I don't wanna undo all the spritework to get to the circle, how move please... :(

  • there is a rectangle selection tool, top one on the left bar. Select the circle with it and then drag and drop the selected part.

    If you need more precise tools, best would be to export the image (top bar floppy disc icon) and open in a different editing tool like photoshop, paint etc.

    Do the editing there and import (folder icon in the animation editor).

  • there is a rectangle selection tool, top one on the left bar. Select the circle with it and then drag and drop the selected part.

    If you need more precise tool best would be to export the image (top bar floppy disc icon) and open in a different editing tool like photoshop, paint etc.

    Do the editing there and import (folder icon in the animation editor).

    Thanks for the help, that's super redundant, I'm surprised no one's called the devs out on this yet.

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  • wdym,as far as I know the drawing editor was never meant to create final art in, mostly to do quick changes and prototype assets and it's perfect for that.

    I think you should create the final art assets in an external software and import.

  • If you want to edit non-rasterised art with layers use an image editing suite. Ragging on the devs of a (great) game engine for not being a different piece of software is not cool.

  • Guys, chill, I'm doing this for a school project and just meant I don't have access to external resources, not that the program's bad necessarily.

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