Online Multiplayer testing

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  • Hey guys, im trying to test my multiplayer setup, like in the realtime multiplayer game example. Its almost the same setup and now i need someone, who can tell me if this is working like intended. I wanted to try it for myself, but the solutions i found so far doenst work for me somehow ( like chrome incognito mode ( and yes, i deleted the cache etc and restarted the browser))

    Would anyone be that kindly and could have a look at my project and tell if this is working as it should?

    For this test the first player who enters is the host, everyone else that join are normal peers/clients, what ever its called.

    Its supposed the create a player character for everyone who joins. Also animations( in this case locations of the players ) should be visible for every player.

    If you need it to be uploaded somewhere else, let me know. Dont know what you guys use otherwise.

    Appreciate any help here

  • Hold alt while clicking preview to open multiple preview windows on the same computer. You can test multiplayer like this.

    For an exported project, multiple browser windows should work fine.

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  • Yes open twice a game .

    1: open your project

    2: open other browser and open your project

    3:you have now two window of your game

    4:click on play in on twice

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