Multiple version of the same game in the same project?

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A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • Hi,

    I have a project where I need to split layouts into different exports. All exports need to share the same splash screen and main menu, but levels in the game will be different for each export.

    Is there a way to tell C3 that only certain layouts in an export are needed, so not all layouts and assets are exported? The file size is of concern here and I don't want an export only needing 6 layouts exporting all 25 layouts.

    I come from Unity where I am used to being able to choose which levels/scenes/layouts I want to include in a build/export.


  • One way is to have a loader project load other projects via iframe.

  • One way is to have a loader project load other projects via iframe.

    But that doesn't really fix the issue of needing to have multiple projects to maintain.

    I would like to have everything in one project and be able to decide what is included in the final build.

    Essentially how it is now (or at least how I understand it), even if you have a project with extra layouts for testing, future expansion or work in progress, all these layouts and the belonging code will also be included in the final build/export - that is not really handy.

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  • AFAIK unused layouts and event sheets are negligible in terms of download size, and since they aren't loaded they wouldn't have any cpu, gpu, or memory overhead for the end user. Unless you've got huge amounts of unused sprite objects/textures that you don't want accessible, then not much you can do besides set up a good file versioning system in your workflow.

    Basically even if had the option to choose not to export a specific layout, the assets of a project are global and would be included in the file size regardless of what layout they are used in.

  • AFAIK unused layouts and event sheets are negligible in terms of download size, and since they aren't loaded they wouldn't have any cpu, gpu, or memory overhead for the end user. Unless you've got huge amounts of unused sprite objects/textures that you don't want accessible, then not much you can do besides set up a good file versioning system in your workflow.

    Basically even if had the option to choose not to export a specific layout, the assets of a project are global and would be included in the file size regardless of what layout they are used in.

    That is exactly my issue. I want the export only to include scripts and object relevant to specified layouts :)

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