JSON STRING - Dictionary To Text ?

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Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • Is this correct

    i tried but

    return value 0


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  • i think your problem is that you don't want the initial and final quotes in your string variable--the variable type is defined in the UI, so you don't need to type it as a string with the quotes (if that's what you were thinking, i mean). i don't think you need to escape the quotes there either, construct accepts quotes in string variables. i've actually never loaded a dictionary like that, though, so i'm not certain.

    i don't know if you just set it up like this for your screencap, but i recommend using a project file for your dictionary and calling it with AJAX. this is what it would look like, though this example uses a JSON object instead of a dictionary, yours would look the same

    i also recommend using debug mode to look at the contents of your dictionary object during run-time so you don't have to print stuff out in text boxes, saves me a load of trouble personally

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