How can i fix sprite font incompatibility on mobile phones?

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Creepy Sprite Font suitable font for your Dark/Horror/Halloween games.
  • Hello guys, I'm a starter in the Construct 3 and I had a problem with my sprite fonts in mobile devices.

    here is a screenshot of the game running on my phone which has an aspect ratio of 21: 9

    But on devices with aspect ratio 16:9 the sprites font are totally distorted (besides the distorted object also)

    And in the preview in the computer the game still normal

    The fullscreen mode of the project is in Scale Outer, I don't know how it happened and how to solve it, if anyone can help me, I will be very grateful.

  • Translation added by mod:

    In my experience, use the inner scale and learn to use a viewport. This will condition at various screen resolutions. If you want to watch YouTube I recommend watching Redfoc tutorial, one of the best construct teachers in my opinion.

    Menurut pengalaman saya, gunakanlah scale inner dan belajar menggunakan viewport. Ini akan mengkondisikan di berbagai resolusi layar. Jika ingin menonton youtube saya sarankan tonton redfoc tutorial salah satu guru construct yang terbaik menurut saya.

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  • Menurut pengalaman saya, gunakanlah scale inner dan belajar menggunakan viewport. Ini akan mengkondisikan di berbagai resolusi layar. Jika ingin menonton youtube saya sarankan tonton redfoc tutorial salah satu guru construct yang terbaik menurut saya.

    I using Viewports to control the position of the HUD, but I can't imagine how control the size of the objects with the Viewport.

    I'll check this youtube channel, thanks for the feedback.

  • Pras - please only post in English on the forum. See the Forum & Community guidelines. Future non-English posts will be deleted.

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