Expressions inside an array

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  • Good day

    Is there a way to use expressions in array cells?

    For example:

    In the cell, the value is 5 + 5, when loading this value from the array, get 10.

    Or use the system expression - newline?

    Sorry for the bad english and thanks


  • It depends on how many math operations you need to support. If it's only "A+B", then it's easy. Use tokenat() expression:


    However, if the text can contain other operations like "A+B*C-D/E", then it will become really difficult to do with events. You can use a JS library though, for example this one:

  • It depends on how many math operations you need to support. If it's only "A+B", then it's easy. Use tokenat() expression:


    However, if the text can contain other operations like "A+B*C-D/E", then it will become really difficult to do with events. You can use a JS library though, for example this one:

    Thanks, what if I want to use the newline expression in a large text?

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  • I want to say thanks to dop2000

    Helped solve the problem using the replace expression

    If anyone will be interested write an example:

    In the array we write:

    text1 <br> text2

    After receiving the text from the array, use replace for the <br> tag:

    replace (localizationfamily.Text, "<br>", newline)

    We get:



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