When exported as HTML5 wont load on mobile Safari

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From the Asset Store
A simple fun and stylish endless scroller game ready to be customized and published.
  • Does anyone know how to fix this. The game loads on other browsers, but on mobile safari it stops after the loading bar. Sometimes it just loops and tries to keep loading the loading bar.



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  • davidprindle,

    This isn't a new problem, but I thought it was a problem that was resolved.

    I just ran a test on my daughter's iPhone and my game worked ok, but I could just be getting lucky. Make sure you're using the current version of C3 and you're testing on an iPhone with an updated version of Safari. If it's still an issue you may need to create a bug report.

    On a sidenote: Safari is such a worthless browser. Safari is Apples version of MS Internet Explorer.

  • Construct games should work fine in Safari. It's hard to say more without more information. The best thing to do is check for any errors in the browser console, which for a mobile device will mean setting up USB debugging.

  • Ashley

    Safari has been an issue since I started using 3D, but I thought the issue was resolved an update or 2 agao - guess I was dreaming (lol).

    My daughter did a few more tests tonight using a couple of my games.

    On her iPhone she had to refresh each time to get the games to work in safari, but they worked in the Chrome app without an issue.

    The problem seems to be with the iPhones using safari to open html games. It's more than just my daughter's phone though. Whenever I ask someone to test one of my html games that I made in C3, using their iPhone, they have a problem playing the game using the safari browser app in their phone.

    My games are here: keeperbay.com if you want to test them yourself.

    The Worder game leads to another site, but all the other games on that site will open without taking you somewhere else. Several games are A/R and the rest are just typical games, but they are all made with C3.

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