Curved path using timeline. X,Y functions in timeline

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  • Hi!

    I'm trying to figure out how to do a kind of space shooter were I need an object to move in angle to make it a little more interesting than making the enemy just move forward.

    My initial ideia was to make a sprite that's out of the layout to spawn an enemy, add the spawned enemy in a certain path (drawn by a timeline), but I can't seem to link the recently spawned enemy in a timeline.

    So maybe I'll just add an timeline to the spawner (which would be invisible for the player) and make the recently spawned sprite to follow it in order to get the path right.

    I've a lot of behaviours to the enemy sprite, but nothing seemed to work fluently.

    I was wondering if you guys may have a better approach and wanted to know if any of you know if it's possible to use X and Y values on the timeline as functions in order to do an arc - Ex. every 0.1 second on timeline add 5 to X value (X+5) and -2 to Y (Y-2). Or maybe even.

    I'm new here so I'm apologize in advance for any misexplanation.

  • I've tested a lot of behaviours to the enemy sprite, but nothing seemed to work fluently*

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  • There is no official spline movement, but there is the interpolation expression qarp.

    There is also a third party plug up on the store.

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