Adsense not working on html5 exported game [ADS]

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • I want ads in a html5 exported game. A hosted game you play on your browser (so no, MobileAds plugin isn't helpful).

    Following these steps leads to a game that has ads showing. Doing the same with an exported html5 construct game leads to no result. My theory is that it's working, but not rendering.

    1. Add the script to the <head> in index.html, same as in the example

    2. Add a Javascript action in Construct to run the ad function

    Nothing happens!

    Again, the game example in the link works, but it's probably not being rendered properly on c3.

    There are no posts about this, and the only tutorial follows very similar steps with different code and is five years old. Tried many combinations to no avail.

    Here is my modified exported project, in case one of you want to debug and see if the ads really are being created but not showing properly.

    Any ideas?


  • Holy qarp when did they start this?

    Ashley any thoughts on adding something for a HTML5 export? Like an export that adds the script, and publisher id that can't be cut out after export? Possibly an action for adBreak().

    This has the potential to be another game changer.

    It will need to be tested, but this seems to suggest that you don't have to worry about where its being shown, as in being stolen.

  • Keep it up for the discovery. I hope that html exports also acquire ads showing ability

  • Holy qarp when did they start this?

    Ashley any thoughts on adding something for a HTML5 export? Like an export that adds the script, and publisher id that can't be cut out after export? Possibly an action for adBreak().

    This has the potential to be another game changer.

    It will need to be tested, but this seems to suggest that you don't have to worry about where its being shown, as in being stolen.

    It's been out for a few years now, with iframe support and everything afaik. If nobody has really brought this up yet I'm guessing I'm out of luck then? Haha

  • Does anyone that tried this before know a workaround? It'd be super helpful Ashley

  • If you have problems with a third-party ad service, it's best to contact them for support.

  • It seems like I'm blocked from posting a message here.

  • Here's what I wanted to post, gets blocked every time:

  • Ashley

  • I have no idea how the Google ads service works, so I'm afraid I just can't comment. It's outside our area of control and knowledge. If you used rocket control software with Construct and your rocket crashed, it doesn't mean I know rocket science and can help you solve the problem.

  • This system was already working a few versions ago and in construct 2, fyi. I understand you can't afford to fix every issue for customers, but I just wanted to have an ad frame show up on a html5 game (a very important function that is directly relevant to your product) and wanted to ask for a bit of insight. You always seem so supportive on your posts when issues come up, giving vague ideas to the benefit of your userbase that help the author of the post know what might be going on at least.

    I guess I'll find a workaround for myself or ask people who know how construct works, if you can't help at all. Thanks :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • For anyone wondering, you can't currently put ads on a Construct 3 html5 game. Doesn't matter the 3rd party provider, or simplicity of the system, the frame just doesn't render. This hasn't always been the case for Construct 3, and it currently all works in Construct 2. I've looked into absolutely every post and comment on the internet to no avail. If I find a solution I'll post it here.

  • giving vague ideas to the benefit of your userbase

    FWIW, I call this "telepathic debugging", and it's about as reliable as it sounds.

  • Haha that's a great name! Sorry again if any of this was bothersome to you, Construct has always been the absolute top notch in html5 technology :)

  • Since you can type javascript code directly in Construct 3, shouldn't we be able to just use Google sample code and make it work.

    Just asking, haven't actually tried it, but it sounds like it should work

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