SVG(icon/png) objects seem to be missing in Chrome/Yandex/Opera.

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  • Hi, As you can see in the screenshots, the objects do not appear completely or at all. How can I fix this. It appears in Firefox, but that's how it is in Yandex, Opera and Chrome. Firefox is having problems with saves and speed and it's bothering me. I would be glad if you help. I formatted the computer several times but it didn't work. I'm doing the latest Win7 updates, this problem occurs, could it be related to them?


    NOTE: My computer is laptop and very old


  • These kinds of glitches are usually actually caused by broken graphics drivers, not the browser or Construct. That's especially likely to be the case with an old system. Your best hope is to install any available system software updates, try updating the graphics drivers, or try turning off hardware acceleration in the browser (but that will also cause poor performance).

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  • These kinds of glitches are usually actually caused by broken graphics drivers, not the browser or Construct. That's especially likely to be the case with an old system. Your best hope is to install any available system software updates, try updating the graphics drivers, or try turning off hardware acceleration in the browser (but that will also cause poor performance).

    Finally this worked (hardware acceleration). Thank you so much.

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