Some Sounds Not Playing On Some Devices/Browsers

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  • Hi,

    In one of our games, certain music and sound effects won't play when the game is played on some of our student's computers. It only affected some music and sounds; roughly 30 percent of them. All audio files are webm format, and they all work as intended on our staff's own devices.

    The student who encountered this glitch was using Microsoft Edge. We think that might be the cause of the problem, but we didn't test on that same device with other browsers to be sure.

    What are some potential causes for this issue, and what could be done to fix it, if anything? Thank you in advance.

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  • It's hard to say because as far as we are aware, the WebM Opus files Construct generates are supported on every platform and are working for everyone else. It's also possible it's just a mistake, like the event logic to play sound is not correct, or the user has their sound turned off, etc.

    If something doesn't work in general you should file an issue following all the guidelines, as we need all that information to be able to help - without it it's usually impossible to figure out what might be going on.

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